Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I still feel that taction
where sweat had a role
The liberty to leave
Grip that gripped
A fraction longer

A start which had an end
Your smirk poses to fend
You and you , a cliche.

My mind and body perspire
To the exhaustion of your expectations
I still feel that warmth
That comfort
The ethereal breath
And the fingers locked with yours

Making head ways
I try to deceive
Pretend to be at ease
Intruding in with your whiskers
You bring in the zing.


  1. Present, then past, then again present, then again past.....

    Seems like trying to attach your current thoughts to your memories.. maybe some kind of infatuation...

    gr8 buddy...

    p.s. tell me if I misunderstood...

  2. YOU and YOu,, a cliche,, very nice expression.

  3. still feeling the taction where sweat had a role..

    lovely ashish..!!


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